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Morning Sickness Remedies

Many women experience morning sickness throughout their first trimester. While most expecting mothers start to feel better sometime around the end of their first trimester, or 14th week of pregnancy, some feel sick throughout their entire pregnancy. You should contact your health care provider for help if you have severe vomiting spells.

Based on our personal "mommy research," here are some ideas of what might help you ease morning sickness. Morning sickness solutions are different for each person, so you might need to try a few different ideas before you find something that works for you.

The main thing is to not let your stomach get too empty or too full. We found comfort in keeping something on hand to munch on when we started to feel nauseous. A few women have had success thwarting morning sickness by eating a small snack before getting out of bed each morning.

Foods that helped ease our nauseous stomachs included:

  • Lemon drops
  • Saltine crackers
  • Plain baked potatoes
  • Plain cooked chicken
  • Cinnamon breath mints
  • Cinnamon oatmeal cookies
  • Cereal bars
  • Toast with butter and jam
  • Plain rice, or rice with soy sauce
  • Smelling ginger
  • Apples, or applesauce with cinnamon
  • Corn tortilla chips
  • Sipping on a mixture of half juice and half water
  • Sipping on 7-up or Sprite
  • Sucking on a candy cane or other peppermint candy

You should avoid foods that make you sick. Even smells can trigger an episode, so it may be necessary to cook foods that aren't as potent as your normal palate would enjoy. It is common to be sick from a food that you normally eat. Basic foods like tomatoes or chicken can make an expecting woman feel sick, even if these are foods she normally likes to eat.

In addition, if you are feeling sick when you brush your teeth, you might try not bending down so far to rinse your mouth and/or try a different kind of toothpaste.

We hope that you have found some comfort from reading this article. Please consult your health care professional with any questions you may have relating to morning sickness.

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