Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Pat

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FiskeEnglishFishPopularity of Fiske
PaddyLatinNoble onePopularity of Paddy
PadraicIrishNoble onePopularity of Padraic
PadraicLatinNoble onePopularity of Padraic
PadraigLatinNoble onePopularity of Padraig
PadricIrishNoble onePopularity of Padric
PadruigLatinNoble onePopularity of Padruig
PatersonLatinNoble onePopularity of Paterson
PatonEnglishFrom the fighter's townPopularity of Paton
PatricFrenchNoble onePopularity of Patric
PatriceLatinNoble onePopularity of Patrice
PatricioSpanishNoble onePopularity of Patricio
PatrickIrishNoble onePopularity of Patrick
PatrickEnglishNoble onePopularity of Patrick
PatrickLatinNoble onePopularity of Patrick
PatridoSpanishNoble onePopularity of Patrido
PattenEnglishFrom the fighter's townPopularity of Patten
PattersonLatinNoble onePopularity of Patterson
PattinEnglishFrom the fighter's townPopularity of Pattin
PattisonLatinNoble onePopularity of Pattison
PattonEnglishFrom the fighter's townPopularity of Patton
PaytonEnglishFrom the fighter's townPopularity of Payton
PaytonIrishNoble onePopularity of Payton
PeytonIrishNoble onePopularity of Peyton
RickLatinNoble onePopularity of Rick
RickyLatinNoble onePopularity of Ricky
RoyalFrenchNoble onePopularity of Royal
RoyaleFrenchNoble onePopularity of Royale
RoyallFrenchNoble onePopularity of Royall