Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Marlen

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DelLatinSeaPopularity of Del
DelmarLatinSeaPopularity of Delmar
DelmerLatinSeaPopularity of Delmer
DelmoreLatinSeaPopularity of Delmore
KaiHawaiianSeaPopularity of Kai
KarsaHungarianFalconPopularity of Karsa
KerecsenHungarianFalconPopularity of Kerecsen
MarlinWelshSea hillPopularity of Marlin
MarlinAnglo-SaxonFalconPopularity of Marlin
MarlinCelticSeaPopularity of Marlin
MarlonFrenchFalconPopularity of Marlon
MarwinWelshSea hillPopularity of Marwin
MarwinAnglo-SaxonFalconPopularity of Marwin
MarwinCelticSeaPopularity of Marwin
MerleWelshSea hillPopularity of Merle
MerleAnglo-SaxonFalconPopularity of Merle
MerleCelticSeaPopularity of Merle
MerlinWelshSea hillPopularity of Merlin
MerlinFrenchFalconPopularity of Merlin
MerlinAnglo-SaxonFalconPopularity of Merlin
MerlinCelticSeaPopularity of Merlin
MerlionFrenchFalconPopularity of Merlion
MerlynAnglo-SaxonFalconPopularity of Merlyn
MerlynWelshSea hillPopularity of Merlyn
MerlynCelticSeaPopularity of Merlyn
MervAnglo-SaxonFalconPopularity of Merv
MervWelshSea hillPopularity of Merv
MervCelticSeaPopularity of Merv
MervinWelshSea hillPopularity of Mervin
SahaleNative AmericanFalconPopularity of Sahale
SahenIndianFalconPopularity of Sahen
SaqrArabicFalconPopularity of Saqr
S├│lyomHungarianFalconPopularity of S├│lyom