Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Julian

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EwartEnglishYouthPopularity of Ewart
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HoganIrishYouthPopularity of Hogan
JulLatinYouthfulPopularity of Jul
JulesFrenchYouthfulPopularity of Jules
JulesLatinYouthfulPopularity of Jules
JulioSpanishYouthPopularity of Julio
JulioLatinYouthfulPopularity of Julio
JuliusLatinYouthfulPopularity of Julius
JullienFrenchYouthfulPopularity of Jullien
JyllEnglishYouthfulPopularity of Jyll
MinerLatinYouthPopularity of Miner
SvenScandinavianYouthPopularity of Sven
SvendScandinavianYouthPopularity of Svend
SvensenScandinavianYouthPopularity of Svensen
SvensonScandinavianYouthPopularity of Svenson
SwenScandinavianYouthPopularity of Swen
SwensenScandinavianYouthPopularity of Swensen
SwensonScandinavianYouthPopularity of Swenson
TarunIndianYouthPopularity of Tarun