Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Girls - Patty

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MonaGaelicNoble onePopularity of Mona
MuadhnaitIrishNoble onePopularity of Muadhnait
PatLatinNoble onePopularity of Pat
PatiaLatinNoble onePopularity of Patia
PatriceLatinNoble onePopularity of Patrice
PatriciaSpanishNoble onePopularity of Patricia
PatriciaLatinNoble onePopularity of Patricia
PatriziaLatinNoble onePopularity of Patrizia
PatsyLatinNoble onePopularity of Patsy
PattieLatinNoble onePopularity of Pattie
RickieLatinNoble onePopularity of Rickie
RickyLatinNoble onePopularity of Ricky
RoyaleFrenchNoble onePopularity of Royale
TishLatinNoble onePopularity of Tish
TriciaLatinNoble onePopularity of Tricia
TrisaEnglishNoble onePopularity of Trisa
TrishEnglishNoble onePopularity of Trish
TrishLatinNoble onePopularity of Trish
TrishaEnglishNoble onePopularity of Trisha